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National Productivity

In order for the economy of The Bahamas to remain competitive both regionally and internationally, there is an urgent need to increase productivity in our workforce. This task will require a multi-pronged approach which will involve stakeholders in both the public and private sector taking action across different platforms.  The first step approach to this process will be the passing of productivity legislation to establish The Bahamian National Productivity Council which will provide the necessary leadership and coordination needed to build a more productive labor force, and will also assist with the realization and full productivity potential of The Bahamian workforce. Sumner Strategic Partners has been engaged to undertake consultations with all relevant stakeholders in both the public and private sectors and civil society throughout the Bahamas to present the proposal for the establishment of the National Productivity Council and attending draft legislation. The consultations will also be used to garner comments, feedback and recommendations for the proposal. These consultations are expected to take place over a 3-5-month period and will encompass a cross section of industries, government agencies and other stakeholders.

Draft White Paper - Productivity.pdf

Productivity Draft Bill (Barbados Model with Office ties to OPM) (1)

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